How Weed Can Improve Your Sex Life

Many cannabis users happily discuss all of the various ways that the plant has improved their lives. Some focus on its powerful medicinal aspects. Others enjoy its anxiety mediating effects. Still others love it because it makes them laugh. Whatever the beneficial focus; most will agree, cannabis makes their lives more interesting.

Did you know that cannabis can actually improve your sex life as well?

5 Ways Cannabis Can Improve Your Sex Life

1. Cannabis is an Aphrodisiac

There’s plenty of aphrodisiacs provided by nature.Oysters, chocolate, and red wine are just a few things that can give you a boost in the bedroom. Cannabis is another. It’s true. Cannabis has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years. And several studies have proven what others have been saying centuries. Cannabis turns people on.

A 1984 study showed that not only does cannabis increase sexual desire, but also enhances sexual pleasure. Another more recent review found half of participants in a preclinical trial on cannabis and sexual function reported “aphrodisiac effects” after they smoked marijuana.

2. Cannabis Can Help You Achieve Orgasm

Did you know 1 in 3 women has trouble achieving an orgasm? Did you know cannabis can help? How? Cannabis helps increase general euphoria and improves tactile sensation. Use cannabis before sex and not only will you feel better, but you will be more likely to orgasm. Orgasming on cannabis is reported to be more intense and more frequent, whether with a partner or alone. Oh yeah, there’s a strain for that. Having trouble orgasming? Sexxpot is an indica that is reported to have aphrodisiac qualities.

3. Cannabis Increases Sexual Pleasure

That whole cannabis makes everything better argument...totally true when it comes to sex. Getting intimate with your partner is undoubtedly already pleasurable. But getting intimate with your partner when you both have just used cannabis, well, that is another complete level of pleasure.

4. Cannabis Increases Sexual Stamina

Want to last longer in the bedroom? Cannabis can help. One study showed that when people smoked weed before sex, 75 percent of participants reported an increase in how long their sexual sessions lasted. Cannabis can increase sexual stamina and lead to longer sexual interludes.

5. Cannabis Can Bring You Closer to Your Partner

Couples who partake in cannabis together, stay together. Consuming cannabis in a relationship can lead to closer connection and deeper emotional and physical intimacy. It can also help couples to understand each other better and not argue. A study by researchers at the University of Buffalo significantly lower incidences of domestic violence among married couples who smoked marijuana because it typically mellows people out, rather than increasing violent behavior.

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