DIY Versus DFY: It Doesn’t Have to be a Showdown

In hemp, do it yourself versus done for you does not need to be showdown with one group emerging victorious. Not only can these two seemingly opposite philosophies coexist peacefully, they can blend cooperatively to make a more inventive and exciting marketplace for the entire world.

We understand the heightened intrinsic value of products that are made personally with our own hands. That pride of ownership over something made by hand is in our social DNA. After all, our community and social roots fostered cooperation. If a barn needed to be made in the 19th century, the landowner could not jump on the Internet and buy a prefabricated barn to be delivered to the property for use. Or hire a general contractor and pay them to build the barn while the owners were flying off to Europe on a family vacation. No, of course, they had to build it themselves, with the local community helping them as time allowed. Building things was not only a necessity but it was a passion and a way to practice good individual and community values. Today, there is no arguing, that for many, the value and pride in product increases if you are hands on making it yourself. In fact, DIY movement is so strong in America today that the business forecasting group Technavio sees the DIY market exploding to be worth in excess of 13.9 billion by the dawn of 2021.

And what better place to showcase the DIY movement then with hemp. After all, hemp is the ultimate community plant. How so? There is a huge and ever-growing body of science that demonstrates the positive impact that hemp can have on virtually every cell of the body. When a cell is positively impacted, the organ containing that cell thrives. When the organs inside a person function better, their health and happiness improve. As health and happiness improve, we reach out more to others and engage in more positive social and community action. And that is exactly how hemp is the most important community plant in nature.

Hemp is also perfect as a focus of the DIY community because it is such a useful plant. There are literally over 25,000 known uses for hemp ranging from products formulated to improve health to superior home insulation solutions to the most durable fabrics for use in apparel. Just recently, Lego announced that they will begin making all their blocks out of environmentally hemp versus less friendly plastics!

Today, there are a lot of great done for you hemp companies operating in the product space and we love and support the manufacturing and sale of such products. But we also embrace the DIY movement in hemp and strive to give people unparalleled education and access to ingredients that will improve their DIY experiences and results.

Hemp It Yourself is meant to be a true comprehensive resource system for anyone wanting to get involved in the DIY cannabis movement, at any level. We will also provide a wide range of products to support your DIY needs. Basically, our information and products split into two general categories: From Packaged or From Scratch. Think of a birthday cake for a moment. You can buy one DFY (done for you) from the local bakery or you can bake on yourself (DIY). If you choose to bake it yourself you have two main choices…using boxed ingredients like cake mix or make you own cake mix with flour, sugar, etc. The cake mix method we refer to as “From Package” while the ingredient mixture is “From Scratch.” You have a similar choice here using Hemp It Yourself. For example, you can create a hot fudge sundae From Package by using our pre-bottle gourmet hemp infused chocolate sauce or we have the information on the site to teach you how to melt chocolate and properly infuse it hemp extract. Or you can buy premade toothpaste using hemp or make one yourself from scratch.

One of the most damaging products available in your local pharmacy or grocery store is also one of the best-selling products. In fact, it is a product used by nearly every person daily and is a product that some parents punish their children if they do not use morning and night.

Curious? Not so fast, my friends. Let me ask you some further questions.

Would you let your family drink engine degreaser?

Would you eat rat poison?

Would you actively promote children to use a product that contains known toxins that has been repeatedly linked to cancer, blindness and death?

Would you knowingly everyday place in your mouth a product that Federal law required to have the following disclaimer placed on the label: If accidently swallowed, seek immediate medical help or call a poison control center?

If you are of sane mind, you answered “NO” to all of the above questions. But nonetheless you unknowingly risk your health and the health of your family by behaving as if you answered “YES” to all of the above questions.

Assuming the suspense doesn’t kill you, the product we are about to talk about is – toothpaste.

Yes, that is correct – toothpaste. First, before getting into this article, go to your sink and read the back of your toothpaste tube. If it is a common shelf brand, the poison warnings should be enough to have you heave the tube in the trash. If that isn’t enough to convince you then read on.

FACT: Many popular toothpastes and mouthwashes contain harmful ingredients, made up of tiny molecules that penetrate through the tissue of your mouth, enter the blood stream, and build up in the liver, kidneys, heart and other organ tissues.

First, let’s discuss Sodium Fluoride which is one of the main ingredients in most every toothpaste…and, oh yes, rat and cockroach poison.

Most people know that toothpaste and many mouth rinses contain fluoride because that’s what dentists have recommended for years to prevent cavities. What you probably didn’t know is that most popular toothpastes contain enough fluoride in four ounces to kill a child within a few hours.

In children, minimal ingestion of sodium fluoride causes nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Large doses of this known carcinogen can cause muscular weakness and paralysis, followed by respiratory and cardiac failure. If that isn’t enough, sodium fluoride is a key ingredient in anesthetic, hypnotic, and psychiatric drugs as well as in Sarin Nerve Gas. Precisely why your toothpaste tube is so adamant about keeping the product away from children!

But according to dentists Sodium Fluoride prevents tooth decay so why not add it to toothpaste? Stop, there. Surprisingly, there is plenty of contradictory scientific evidence demonstrating that fluoride does NOT reduce cavities and now linking fluoride to tooth and gum deformity, arthritis, allergic reactions and thousands of unnecessary deaths each year from cancer.

Second, almost every toothpaste brand contains an ingredient that as a chemist I find almost impossible to accept - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). Simply because SLS creates foaming, it is added to toothpastes to give the impression that the toothpaste is working. In the cleaning industry, SLS is used in products such as car wash soaps, floor cleaners and engine degreasers.

While that might give you pause for thought, the real problem is that SLS is extremely corrosive and harmful to living tissue. Research laboratories use it to irritate skin on test subject animals and humans so they may test the effectiveness of healing agents. The Journal of the American College of Toxicology reports that SLS can be retained in the eye, brain, heart, and liver with harmful long-term health effects.

Third, most toothpastes contain the ever-popular chemical pesticide, Triclosan. Triclosan is included in toothpaste formulations as an antibacterial. Can it kill some negative oral bacteria? Sure, while killing seven times as many beneficial bacteria as well.

While major brand companies that manufacture products containing triclosan claim that it is safe, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has registered it as a dangerous pesticide, giving it high scores both as a human health risk and as an environmental risk. Additionally, the FDA had mandated its removal from common anti-bacterial products like hand sanitizers. Triclosan is a chlorophenol, which is a class of chemicals that is suspected of causing cancer in humans. On contact, phenols can cause a variety of tissue irritation.  Worse, taken internally, even in small amounts, phenols such as this can lead to circulatory collapse, convulsions, coma, and death.

If that is scary enough to keep it out of loved one’s mouths, chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides like Triclosan can be stored in body fat, potentially accumulating to toxic levels. Long term, repeated exposure can damage virtually every important organ, suppress the immune system, and cause hormonal disruption, sterility, paralysis and brain hemorrhages.

Fourth, most toothpastes try to look pretty by adding FD&C Blue Dye # 1 & 2. Yummy! This is just like eating a mouthful of crude oil as these dyes are synthesized from petroleum. Even if toothpaste is not swallowed, these dyes can be absorbed within seconds through the skin inside the lips or through the mucous membrane in the mouth. But seriously, how can you brush your teeth without swallowing some toothpaste?

Recent studies indicate that FD & C Blue Dyes 1 & 2 can trigger a wide number of behavioral, learning, and health problems including severe allergic reactions, asthma, headaches, nausea, fatigue, nervousness, lack of focus, and even cancer.

Fifth, most brand name toothpastes contain Hydrated Silica as a tooth whitener. Hydrated silica, is primarily used as an abrasive compound as it is made from a crystallized compound found in sand, quartz, and flint rock. The simple fact is that abrasive compounds are about the worst thing that you can do for health of a tooth. Here’s why. Tooth enamel re-mineralizes daily from the supply of ionic calcium and phosphorus contained in the saliva. Scratching the surface of the tooth with an abrasive such as hydrated silica harms the enamel and prevents re-mineralization.

You should not clean a tooth with hydrated silica any more than you would clean a glass window with a piece of rough sandpaper. There is an abrasive index for toothpastes called the RDA Index. The higher the value, the more abrasive the product is. At or below around 50 may be an acceptable balance between benefit of removing plaque from a tooth and damage due to abrasion. Over 50 and it’s just a matter of how quickly the loss of tooth structure occurs based on the RDA and the number of brushes that occur. Most common brand toothpastes register RDA numbers between 150 and 200.

Sixth, most toothpastes contain glycerin. Glycerin coats the tooth and completely halts the re-enamalization process. Worse, glycerin is so sticky that it takes 27 washes to get it off the surface of a tooth. Use a product containing glycerin once a month and your teeth may never re-mineralize again.

Seventh, taken as a group, the ingredients in almost all common toothpastes increase acid wear on teeth and gums. Acidic saliva erodes and de-mineralizes tooth enamel; causing cavities and increased heat and cold sensitivity.

As a better, healthier alternative, battle tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath with this simple hemp-based toothpaste.

When people see the word “toothpaste”, few probably free-associate the word hemp to it. But one of the most exciting things about hemp oil are the novel and varied uses of this great ingredient.

Hemp and dental care may seem like an odd combination but here are some things to think about.

Full spectrum hemp oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal in function. This is great for your gum health.

Many cannabinoids in hemp oil also act as a bone stimulating agents. Your jaw and teeth are bones, which means hemp can help prevent cavities and decay and it can also help to repair damaged teeth and bone structure. In fact, the destruction of the jawbone in periodontitis is related to specific mediators causing inflammation and resorption of bone. Animal studies have shown that CBD will decrease this inflammation and prevent destruction of the jawbone that is part of the progression of periodontitis. Given this research, it isn’t a great leap to believe that It hemp oil can improve healing of teeth, gum and bones by reducing these damaging effects caused by advanced gum disease.

There are many possible DIY toothpaste ingredients. Here is one of my favorites.

First, you will need four ingredients:

  • Baking Soda
  • Coconut Oil
  • Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
  • Essential Oils or Terpenes

The benefits of brushing with baking soda have been discussed repeatedly on the Internet.

Coconut oil is often used to improve the health of the teeth and gums.

Full Spectrum Hemp Oil has no end to benefits.

Essential Oils or Terpenes can add to the flavor and effect of the toothpaste mixture.

To make a supply of Hemp Toothpaste

  1. Take six tablespoons of coconut oil and put it in a cup. Then liquify it by placing it in direct sunlight or by putting the cup in a hot water bath.
  2. Add one or two teaspoons of mint essential oil or a terpene associated with powerful antibacterial effects such as Cineol (Eucalyptol).
  3. Decide the potency of CBD you want in your preparation and add it. Depending on how much you use, this formula will yield around 120 uses so if you want 1 mg. of CBD per use, add 120 mgs. of hemp oil to the mixture. Don’t overdo here, if you want more CBD you can always make a mouthwash containing hemp.
  4. Add 6 tablespoons of baking soda and mix vigorously.
  5. Taste and add peppermint or sweetener to get the right blend of minty and sweet.
  6. Place toothpaste in a sealable glass container.

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