8 Ways to Enhance Your Spiritual Practices with CBD

It is vitally important to pursue health not just in your body and mind, but in your spirit as well. When considering ways to pursue a healthy soul or spirit, incorporating CBD in may not be one of the ways that comes readily to mind. However, there are some surprising ways CBD can improve your spiritual health.

1. Take CBD Oil or Apply Topicals Before Your Prayer Time or Devotional Time.

CBD oil and topicals are known for their soothing, calming effects. Try applying CBD or hemp-derived full-spectrum topicals to your skin before your daily quiet time. You could also take your CBD tincture a few minutes before you plan to have a concentrated prayer and devotion time. The anti-anxiety effects of CBD can help quiet any internal chaos or voices and help you focus on calming your spirit through prayer or meditation. You can further enhance these special times of spiritual practice by diffusing essential oils, dimming lights, and putting on worship music or classical music.

2. Add to Your Community Through the Common Bond of CBD.

Many people are finding new community among others who use CBD. Online groups of struggling moms are discovering friendships and exchanging advice about CBD, life hacks, family advice, and their spiritual beliefs. Today, close-knit community can be tough to find and maintain in this busy world. CBD can be a connecting point for you to exchange information with others on the ways it fits into their families and their spiritual walks.

3. See if Your House of Worship or Spiritual Center Will Consider CBD as an Anointing Oil.

CBD is a natural fit as an anointing oil in vocational and healing services. CBD oil has natural healing properties, and spiritual texts such as the Bible reference oil as a healing mechanism. CBD oil could be applied topically to the forehead as a spiritual practice, asking for physical healing, or to recognize someone entering a spiritual vocation.

4. Accept CBD as a Gift to You for Physical Healing.

Just as the earth provides water, plants, and animal proteins as food and nutrition for our physical bodies to keep them healthy, it also gives us herbs, spices, and plants like hemp to use for physical healing when we are sick. CBD oil and full-spectrum oil derived from hemp are helping people heal from conditions that range from skin rashes to anxiety and from seizures to insomnia. Expressing your gratitude for these natural tools from the earth—along with the wisdom of doctors and our own body signals—will help you feel more attuned with your inner self and the world around you.

5. Consider CBD as Part of Your Path to Financial Faithfulness.

Some people of faith who have found healing by using CBD oil are now creating financial resources by selling CBD products and donating the profits to their houses of worship or charities that support their causes. One form of worship is to give back financially some of the gains you’ve been blessed with. Creating a CBD business is one way you can financially support your family while improving the lives of the less fortunate.

6. Challenge Your Predisposed Notions About CBD.

Not many people connect CBD to any kind of spirituality or faith. In fact, many religious people feel CBD is taboo because of their preconceived ideas that it is connected to marijuana. CBD oil does not get users high, as it contains only trace amounts or no THC, the euphoria-producing element found in cannabis plants. So learning about CBD can stretch your faith and make you more attuned to the inner workings of the human body.

7. Use CBD to Connect Outside Your Bubble.

Sometimes when you practice a certain faith or religion, it’s easy to form community with only those who are like-minded. It’s not that you do not care for those outside your faith, but you may find you spend a good deal of time surrounded by people just like you. CBD may give you the opportunity to connect with others outside your faith, learning to appreciate new perspectives and share with each other.

8. CBD Can Help You Share Good News.

When you are excited about something good in your life or you are learning something new, you want to talk about it. You want to share it. CBD can be a great jumping off point to talking about your wellness. As you build new relationships and do life with others, sharing your experiences can be a natural part of the conversation. Talking about the way CBD may heal your body could lead to a natural conversation that opens up new ideas.

CBD and spirituality. CBD and faith. These may not seem like the most familiar spiritual “search terms” or conversation starters, but pairing CBD with these and other spiritual practices can bring new excitement and joy into your life.


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